Thursday, April 23, 2009

Smoking and Your Health-Quit for good this time! article from HNI Risk Services

Health and wellness tips for your work, home, and life—
brought to you by the insurance and healthcare specialists
Smoking and Your Health
Quit for good this time!
Few people would disagree that smoking is hazardous to their health, yet millions continue to take part in this unhealthy habit.
The Scary Truth
According to the American Lung Association (ALA), smoking kills an estimated 430,700 people each year, and the ALA predicts that number will continue to rise. Smoking alone is more lethal than AIDS, automobile accidents, homicides, suicides, drug overdoses and fires combined.

You Can Quit
Quitting smoking is said to be one of the most difficult things a person can undertake. However, with some thoughtful planning and a strong will, you can quit. There are several smoking-cessation tools and techniques available to help you in your quest to quit smoking, including:
· Nicotine replacement therapy
· Scheduled reduction
· Quitting “cold turkey”
· Hypnosis and acupuncture
· Prescription drugs
If you want to quit smoking for good, here are some suggestions to help you succeed:
· Make the decision to quit and stick to it!
· Choose a start date and method.
· Plan for cravings during withdrawal periods and determine your coping method(s).
· Commit to long-term use of the methods mentioned above to ensure that you will succeed.

Benefits of Quitting
Quitting smoking has many short and long-term health benefits:
After 20 minutes - Blood pressure, pulse rate and body temperature return to normal.
After 8 hours - The body starts to heal itself – the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal and your oxygen level increases to normal.
After 24 hours - Your chance of heart attack decreases.
After 48 hours - Nerve endings begin to regenerate and your sense of taste and smell improve.
After 72 hours - Bronchial tubes relax, lung capacity increases, and breathing becomes easier.
After 2 weeks to 3 months - Your circulation improves, physical activity becomes easier and lung function increases up to 30 percent.
After 1 to 9 months - Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease while your body’s overall energy level increases.
Did you know...?
Staying smoke-free is the most difficult part of the quitting process. You may experience cravings for months, even years, after you quit. Commit to long-term methods that will help you through your cravings. Don’t let all your hard work to go waste.After 5 years - Your chance of dying from lung cancer decreases by almost 50 percent.
For additional information and advice about how to quit smoking, see the Live Well, Work Well Quit Smoking series, Parts 1 through 4.

Your friendly neighborhood accountant,
Patrice Blankenship
Providing General Accounting and Virtual Services

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